Best moment award

A couple weeks ago fellow artist John Wilkinson, nominated me for this Best moment award. It truly warmed my heart and got me even more motivated to keep this site up and going. I’m a big fan of pay it forward- movements, or actually anything that connects people in a positive way, so naturally I promised not to be passive about getting the award.

The Best moment award is, as I’ve understood it, simply a gesture of appreciation. Appreciation for your writing, art, for your message. The message you mediate in your posts can have a huge impact on the reader. You can make people feel connected, hopeful, motivated, you can open up their eyes. You can give them a moment.


The rules for the acceptance of the award:

1. Display the award logo,
2. Link back to the person who nominated you,
3. State 7 things about yourself, here they are:

  1. I always provoking myself. If I don’t want to do something simply because I’m nervous and afraid, I will do it.
  2. I love being surrounded by nature and animals. Then I feel the energy that flows through all living and humans urge for e.g. money seem so superficial.
  3. My friends have many times said that I mime along with them when they talk to me, and I can laugh before they come to the punch line or even say it before they do. I know it’s annoying, I’ll try not to do that.
  4. I truly believe that stars and planets position can have an impact on the living, like as the gravity. That’s why I believe in some parts of astrology and zodiac signs. I have a pretty good sense knowing which zodiac sign people are. (N.B. I don’t believe in horoscope though, I think that’s rubbish)
  5. I’m the Aquarius
  6. My life often get more difficult then it could be due to I feel so strongly against everything I feel is unjust. And I let people know that.
  7. I can’t stand unstraightness. Say what you need to say. Do not go around the topic, don’t say “maybe” when you mean “No”, don’t lie, don’t say you’re okey if you’re not, don’t say that you don’t need help if you do, etc. Life’s to short.

4. Nominate 15 (or however many you can) other bloggers for this award.

I waited a couple weeks before doing this because I really wanted to find those pearls, those blogs or post that made me feel or think, that gave me a moment. So these are the ones I want to bring out and thank for the moment they given me.




Thoughts, shut up!

Had so much fun yesterday! I LOVE loud house and trance music! It’s the only thing that dampens my unceasing thoughts. Now back in the studio. (I’ve finally got the blue out of my hair!)




Shit happens


Aimed for ashblonde hair, it turned out blue. What more to say, shit happens.

The best way to hang out

Spending the evening in the studio with some of the nicest guys I know.


Sorrow is too mainstream

I’ve wrote many post about that we should “be free to be ourselves” ,”depend on ourselves”, “be our own best friend” and so on. This is because I never had a choice. I’ve taken care of all people who crossed my way since I can remember. I’ve taken care of myself since I was 11, because due to certain situations I didn’t have the heart to be a burden to my family. I love the individuals in my family of all my heart, but the family itself, not so much. I’ve fled and kept to myself. With years I became a really introvert and bitter person. God knows though how I’ve tired to break free, break free from the sorrow and pain. I really got a meltdown this winter and just lost myself. My way of thinking and acting was so unlike me. I’m this person who never gives up and always find ways and projects to lose my problems in. This time I just gave up, I didn’t want to act like things would get better, all my life I’ve tired to make things better, but they just didn’t. I had lost my fire. Without my drive I’m nothing, because that is me. All years of loneliness washed over me like an ice cold wave, all years of meaningless trying fell upon me like a mountain and I didn’t have the strength to stand against it. But after months of meaningless self-pity and hopelessness you come to a point where you have 2 choices:

  • 1. Kill yourself
  • 2. Find I way

Guess what I chose? Can you guess?..Yes you’re right, I’m still alive. I chose nr 2, I didn’t like the alternative. So what did I do? Well my passion and drive have always been music but by then I was trapped in fear and had this love hate attitude towards it. So I needed another goal. Something to put all my focus on. So I picked out a picture on a fit woman and decided that if I can’t take control of my mind right now, at least I’ll take control of my body. I started to eat and workout very disciplined. In 3 months I was supposed to go on holidays to Rhodes so that got to be my schedule. I lost 4% bodyfat and got tighten up, which where my goal. This project was my savior. When I so concrete saw the result of my inner strength on my body I felt so empowered. But of course, ironically, when I returned from Rhodes a new big sorrow was at the door. Once again I felt that several really close persons to me depended on me. And inside my whole being screams stop! Why do I have to take care of your happiness when I’ve built my own. Why do I have to take care of you when no-one token care of me. Stop using me! Stop demanding so much of me, I too have problems! Stop steal the happiness I’ve worked so hard for.


Swedish: Sluta aldrig brinna :Never lose your fire

A bad trait of mine is that I can have tendencies to look down on people. Not on they as being, not because of their problems. No, I look down on the way people handle their problems. Cuz I feel that I’ve always taken responsibility for my life and I can’t understand people who let their happiness depend on others. Okey that’s not true, I can understand it but I have problems accepting it. Because I care, but when I can’t help, I feel frustrated. And I’ve realized that everybody is burden with some kind of sorrow. So no-one have time or strength with yours. Well therapist have, use them, they get paid listening to you. I don’t mean that we should hide our sorrows, it’s important to be true to your feelings and let your self feel what you feel. I just say that there is simple to much pain, trouble and sorrow in this world so If you let yourself, you could cry for the rest of your life. I don’t want to be that person people don’t want to hang out with because they know how sad I am. I don’t want people to be forced to take care of me every time I get little drunk. I don’t know about you but I’ll be honest and embrace my pain but chose happiness, sorrow is too mainstream. I’ll smile, there’s simply too much to cry about.


To you, reader

I just want to say that your comments, follows and likes really make my day! When I’m not used to be appreciated I don’t know how to respond though. So if my comment responds sounds cliché or repetitive, I’m sorry. But you should know my “Thank you’s” comes sincerely from the heart. Once again thank you, and sorry if it can take a while before answering. Hope you get a f’cking awesome weekend, excuse my language.

© All rights reserved to change

While I’m on the subject I’ll add little to my previous post ‘Accept me’. Catherine Lyon a fellow blogger, comment -Why can’t people ACCEPT ME for who I am today, not the person in my Past? This is exactly what I think is so sad. People are so blinded by the past that they can’t see who’s in the present. If they do, they can’t accept her. This is so weird, everybody should know that we change daily. After 7years all cells in our body have been replaced, add life experience and you’ll see that we could impossible be the same person as we where years ago. And as I discussed before, if you’re open minded you learn things you never knew you never knew. So:
© All rights reserved to change beliefs, looks, opinions and so on whenever I want. It doesn’t mean I don’t stand for anything. It means I’m open-minded.

Having a great Friday


Summer, pub & live music. I don’t need more.

Sometimes all you need is a canvas

Today I’ll have a break from any deep thoughts and reflections and simply posting this video me and my friend Felicia did 2years ago